On-Demand Webinar


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Zaregistrujte se na webinář zaměřený na automatizaci v prostředí monolitických i moderních kontejnerizovaných prostředí za pomocí Dev-Ops metodiky.

Webinářem vás provedou Åsa Persson a Antoon Huiskens z F5 specializovaní na řešení NGINX.

Dozvíte se:

- Jaká je vize F5+NGINX “From Code to Customer”

- Jak integrovat Dev-Ops, kontejnery a mikroslužby s doposavadní monolitickou aplikační architekturou. Součástí semináře bude technický deep-dive s praktickou ukázkou (anglicky):

  • Automatizace - Orchestrace (F5 / NGINX, Kubernetes, Openshift)
  • Architektura, design
  • Dev-Ops, Microservices, Kontejnery
  • Pipeline, CI / CD
  • API GW
  • Rest API-AS3
  • Ingress controller


Podrobnosti webináře

Register for a webinar on automation in monolithic and modern containerized environments using Dev-Ops methodology and NGINX technology.

The webinar will be led by Åsa Persson and Antoon Huiskens, NGINX experts from F5.


- Vision of F5 + NGINX “From Code to Customer”
Technical part
- How to integrate Dev-Ops, containers and microservices with an older monopolistic application structure
- Deep-dive technical review with a demo - in English


  • Automation - Orchestration (F5 / NGINX, Kubernetes, Openshift)
  • Architecture - design
  • Dev-Ops, Microservices, containers
  • Pipeline, CI/CD
  • API GW
  • Rest API – AS3
  • Ingress controller




Åsa Persson

Regional Sales Director for EMEA NE

Åsa Persson is the Regional Sales Director for EMEA NE with over 20 years of experience in IT and conducts over 200 meetings per year with a focus on secure and available applications. She has good insight regarding the challenges around the entire application lifecycle management, from a user, to where the applications actually is, whether in a Datacenter, Hybrid or Cloud environment. She will share valuable information about the challenges and solutions that we see with different customers digital journeys from a Monolithic to The next generation applications such as Microservices and Containers.
Åsa's spare time she spends with her five children and as an instructor at SATS.


Antoon Huiskens

Enterprise Solutions Architect at NGINX/F5

Antoon Huiskens is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at NGINX/F5. He has been working in the IT sector for 20 years and has a strong experience in the application delivery market and software load balancing. He will be delighted to discuss a number of topics with you including digital transformation, DevOps, API Management, application delivery and typically any application delivery challenge you are facing today. In his day to day role, he provides guidance to companies in a pre-sales capacity, helping them improve velocity, visibility, security and performance for applications and their delivery. He is passionate about helping companies deliver excellent customer experiences and believes that technology is at the key to this.

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