Realising Security Policies in a Multi-ingress Controller Environment

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APIs are core to modern businesses, delivering revenue and value. We call this the API economy. Infrastructure and DevOps teams have to grapple with many challenges as the usage of APIs gain wide adoption both internally at Telstra and externally.

As a result, we are seeing an increase in the adoption of API workloads within the Kubernetes environment which is creating new challenges for organisations, including Telstra.

Join Telstra's Ashima Gera Kulkarni and F5 Solution Architect Rajesh Bavantham as they discuss:

  • Ashima will present Telstra’s OK-API vision on what a modern API gateway requires
  • How to run your API workloads effectively in a Kubernetes environment
  • How to apply WAF security policies at the edge on top of Kubernetes
  • How to use Json Web Token (JWT) policies at the edge to enforce AuthZ and rate limiting.




Ashima Gera Kulkarni
Chapter Lead and Capability Product Owner,
API Gateways & Tramas


Rajesh Bavanantham
Solutions Architect