Your local F5 team will host monthly interactive virtual user group lab sessions starting this November. These key topic areas were chosen by you and will leverage pre-configured labs from our annual Agility conference. The first 30 minutes of each session will cover network, cloud, and or security architects with an overview of the chosen topic to fully understand the functionality we are delivering, and the use cases being addressed. The remaining 1.5 hours will be dedicated to lab exercises led by our local SE's where hands-on F5 administrators can get a thorough understanding of the practical implementation of these use cases, and ask questions as the session progresses.
All lab times will be from 9am – 11am EST. Please select as many classes as you would like to attend.
Gain Security visibility into SSL/TLS Encrypted Traffic with F5 SSL Visibility solutions
use the programmability features of the F5 platform using the Control REST API, iControl LX Extensions, and other tools
Use the DNS features of the F5 platform including Global Server Load Balancing, DNS Resolver/Caching, DNSSEC and other functionality.
Protect Application Access by leveraging SAML, OAUTH, SSL-VPN and Active Directory
Leverage F5’s rich application layer capabilities for L4-7 Firewall use cases