NGINX on Microsoft Azure

NGINX provides enterprise‑grade features that enable you to add advanced load balancing, monitoring, and management to your Microsoft Azure application stack.

Deliver Consistent, High-Performance Web Services from Microsoft Azure with NGINX

Microsoft Azure logo
Cloud Application Delivery diagram

Application Delivery in the Cloud

NGINXaaS for Azure diagram

Modern App Delivery as a Service on Microsoft Azure – with Just a Few Clicks

NGINXaaS for Azure is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) version of NGINX Plus that enables application developers to deliver consistent, secure, and high-performance apps in the cloud – deployed straight from the Azure Marketplace with just a few clicks in the Azure Portal.

NGINXaaS for Azure benefits and features include:

  • Advanced Traffic Management – get basic caching, rate limiting, manual scaling, and active health checks, plus built-in integrations with Azure Key Vault.
  • Easy Migration Path to Azure – lift and shift, migrate, or extend existing NGINX workloads to the cloud and bring your own configuration (BYOC) to Azure with minimal effort.
  • Robust Security – use a single trusted load balancing solution across your entire estate of applications, both on premises and in the cloud. NGINXaaS for Azure supports TLS 1.3, single sign-on (SSO), and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
  • Ease of Use, with “One-Stop” Visibility and Management – leverage the flexibility and power of Azure to view and manage all your applications in one place.
  • Deep Integration with Azure Components – enjoy a consistent experience across all services through deep integration with Azure ecosystems – leveraging Azure Console, Azure Monitor, Azure Storage, and other services.
  • Consumption-Based Pricing – align infrastructure costs to actual usage by billing transactions via Azure.
Deliver Apps Faster

Looking for consistent, high‑performance app delivery and web services?

NGINX Plus operates stand‑alone or can integrate with Azure services – such as existing load balancing solutions – to reduce your application delivery and management costs. NGINX Plus provides enterprise‑grade features such as session persistence, configuration via API, and active health checks so that you can add advanced application load balancing, monitoring and management to your Azure application stack.

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Secure Your Apps

Want to use the same WAF across all your environments – from on-prem to cloud to Kubernetes?

NGINX App Protect, our modern app‑security solution built on F5’s market‑leading security expertise, can do just that. Our security-as-code design philosophy makes it easy to integrate security into your agile and DevOps workflows. It easily integrates with NGINX Plus and NGINX Ingress Controller to protect your apps from a range of threats including OWASP Top 10 and beyond.

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Deploy from Azure Government

Together with Azure Government we enable government agencies and their partners to modernize apps and operate in a secure and compliant hybrid‑cloud environment. Improve your FIPS compliance by enabling FIPS mode on NGINX Plus, which ensures the clients talking to NGINX Plus are using a strong cipher with a trusted implementation.

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Integrate with Azure Active Directory

For many organizations, Azure AD represents the single source of truth for the identities of employees and trusted users. By adding NGINX Plus, you can validate OpenID Connect tokens issued by Azure, enable JWT authentication, and implement role‑based access control (RBAC). The result is consolidated authentication and improved security.

Read the blog ›

Buy on Azure Marketplace

NGINX Plus with NGINX App Protect


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