When F5’s acquisition of NGINX was finalized in May of this year, one of the first priorities for Engineering was to integrate the control‑plane development teams and adopt a common set of tools. In this post, I describe the changes we made to our code repository, development pipeline, and artifact storage.
Before the acquisition, the NGINX Controller team’s tool suite included GitHub for the code repo, Jenkins for the development pipeline, and Nexus Repository Manager OSS, Docker Registry, and Amazon S3 for artifact storage. The control‑plane team at F5 was using GitLab with its built‑in continuous integration feature (GitLab CI) for the code repo and pipeline, and JFrog Artifactory for all artifacts.
We saw lots of value in adopting the F5 tech stack for the control‑plane team as a whole. First, it’s simpler than the stack the NGINX Controller team was using. Second, the company’s IT team manages it, freeing DevOps teams from having to deal with infrastructure.
The first step was to move the NGINX Controller code repository from GitHub to GitLab. This turned out to be trivial, requiring just a few scripted git
and git
operations. We were able to preserve all of the branch rules and merge checks we had been using in GitHub.
This was the most important step, as it enables the integrated engineering team to build, test, and publish code.
We had defined the pipelines for NGINX Controller in Jenkinsfiles written in the Jenkins domain‑specific language (DSL). We had tried to make them as Jenkins‑agnostic as possible, though, by:
The process of translating Jenkinsfiles to GitLab CI pipelines was then mostly a matter of creating GitLab Runners that matched our Jenkins workers, and creating pipelines with the same stages by copying the commands from the previous pipelines.
The biggest task was to change the Jenkins environment variables to GitLab CI variables and to verify all the paths and file locations. To avoid having to do this, I recommend always representing paths as variables. I know that’s obvious, but sometimes we sacrifice best practices for the sake of speed.
Here’s an example of one of our Jenkinsfile stages:
stage ('Test & PushToReg') { environment {
NODE_ENV = 'production'
steps {
sh '''
VERSION=$(git tag --contains | head -1 | tr -d v )
sh "PLUGIN_NAME=NAME1 yarn webpack-cli --config webpack/platform/plugin.js"
sh "PLUGIN_NAME=NAME2 yarn webpack-cli --config webpack/platform/plugin.js"
sh "docker build -t /${BRANCH}:${BUILD_NUMBER} -f docker/Dockerfile ."
sh "echo 'Running unit tests'"
sh "yarn test"
stash includes: 'test-results.xml', name: 'utest', allowEmpty: true
sh "docker push …..”
This was translated to the following Gitlab CI code:
BuildTestPublishFE: stage: build_test_publish
image: ${BUILD_IMAGE}
- devops-runner
script: |
yarn config set registry ${NPM_REGISTRY}
yarn install --verbose > yarn.log
yarn autoclean
VERSION=$(git tag --contains | head -1 | tr -d v )
PLUGIN_NAME=NAME1 yarn webpack-cli --config webpack/platform/plugin.js
PLUGIN_NAME=NAME2 yarn webpack-cli --config webpack/platform/plugin.js
# Pushing to different locations depending on the branch
if [[ ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} == "release-"* ]]; then
docker build -t ${DOCKER_REG}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}:${CI_PIPELINE_ID} -f docker/Dockerfile .
echo 'Running unit tests'
yarn test
docker login ….
docker push ….
expire_in: 1 day
when: always
- yarn.log
- test-results
Junit: test-results.xml
The NGINX Controller team was using separate tools to store different types of artifact:
ballsMoving to the F5 infrastructure gave us the opportunity to consolidate all storage under Artifactory, so we went for it.
Artifactory natively supports all of the repository types we were using, so we just needed to configure the repository location and credentials in our new pipelines and we were ready to start publishing.
The are three big advantages to having just one Artifactory repository. Obviously, it makes it management easier. It also means we can scan for vulnerabilities and license compliance in just one place. Lastly, access control is centralized.
"This blog post may reference products that are no longer available and/or no longer supported. For the most current information about available F5 NGINX products and solutions, explore our NGINX product family. NGINX is now part of F5. All previous NGINX.com links will redirect to similar NGINX content on F5.com."