NGINX Conf 2018 in Atlanta Features A New "Deep Dive" Track for Expert Developers

Published September 13, 2018

For NGINX Conf 2018, we’ve decided to create a separate “Deep Dive” track for the most NGINX‑savvy and hardcore of our attendees. So while your boss attends the business‑value talks, you can get to work. Join us in Atlanta GA, October 8–11.

What’s special about the sessions in the Deep Dive track?

  • Absolutely practical and hands‑on information
  • No high‑level messaging
  • Configuration and code are provided and explained in detail
  • Content by and for expert engineers and DevOps practitioners

Here are just a few of the great sessions we’re looking forward to:

Yichun Zhang, Founder and CEO of OpenResty and author of many NGINX modules, including the very popular lua-nginx-module, will talk about troubleshooting web servers and backends. You will learn how to use dynamic tracing and other advanced postmortem debugging technologies. GDB, SystemTap, and BCC/eBPF will be discussed and compared. Complete abstract
Artyom Gavrichenkov, CTO at Qrator Labs, will hold a double session on “DDoS Beasts and How to Fight Them”. He will explain the origin and anatomy of terabit+‑per‑second attacks, and offer a variety of methods to protect your network, your web servers, and your apps. Complete abstract
Dmitry Volyntsev, Developer at NGINX, Inc., will discuss the use of scripting languages inside the NGINX configuration. He will explain why we created a different implementation of JavaScript and why NGINX needs a different kind of VM. He’ll also share performance data. Contrary to the very positive approach you might expect, Dmitry will explain what the scripting messages are not supposed to do and when to avoid them. Complete abstract
Oleg Guba, SRE at Dropbox, will share details about Dropbox’s EDGE Network. The overview will include information on ingress traffic management, DC, peering, and backbones; the DNS layer, diving into anycast and RUM; routing details; and internal traffic management with dynamic upstreams. These details have never been shared publicly before. Complete abstract
Vasiliy Soshnikov, Head of Development Group at Mail.Ru Group, promises that his session on building NGINX modules “will not be easy to understand. It will be hard”. His team has built many NGINX modules for their own use. You don’t want to miss getting all the details and learning how they decide when to build (or not build) a module. And of course, Vasiliy will share some module code. Complete abstract

These are just a few of the sessions in the Deep Dive track – there are many more! Visit the NGINX Conf agenda for details, then register (and buy your plane ticket!) today.

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