Announcing NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.7.0

Published April 30, 2020

We are happy to announce release 1.7.0 of NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. This release builds upon the development of our supported solution for Ingress load balancing on Kubernetes platforms, including Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Red Hat OpenShift, IBM Cloud Private, Diamanti, and others.

With release 1.7.0, we continue our commitment to providing a flexible, powerful and easy-to-use Ingress Controller, which you can configure with both Kubernetes Ingress resources and NGINX Ingress resources:

Release 1.7.0 introduces the following major improvements:

What Is NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes?

NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes is a daemon that runs alongside NGINX Open Source or NGINX Plus instances in a Kubernetes environment. The daemon monitors Kubernetes Ingress resources and NGINX Ingress resources to discover requests for services that require ingress load balancing. The daemon then automatically configures NGINX or NGINX Plus to route and load balance traffic to these services.

Multiple NGINX Ingress controller implementations are available. The official NGINX implementation is high‑performance, production‑ready, and suitable for long‑term deployment. We focus on providing stability across releases, with features that can be deployed at enterprise scale. We provide full technical support to NGINX Plus subscribers at no additional cost, and NGINX Open Source users benefit from our focus on stability and supportability.

What’s New in NGINX Ingress Controller 1.7.0?

Support for Red Hat OpenShift

We are pleased to announce the NGINX Ingress Operator for Red Hat OpenShift, a fully supported lifecycle management solution for NGINX Ingress Controller (for both NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus) on the OpenShift platform. This enables point-and-click installation of NGINX Ingress Controller – you need to specify just a few parameters for a basic deployment.

The Operator abstracts away the complexity around Kubernetes’ native objects (such as deployments, replicas, and Pods) which frees application owners and other teams from having to understand the Kubernetes container infrastructure in detail. Additionally, the Operator provides parameters for customizing the Ingress Controller deployment.

The goal of the Operator is to provide a one‑step deployment process for bringing the advanced capabilities of NGINX Ingress Controller to OpenShift. For example, you can harness the NGINX Ingress resources (VirtualServer, VirtualServerRoute, and TransportServer) to support many use cases such as blue‑green deployment, traffic splitting, and A/B testing.

You can also leverage the role‑based access control (RBAC) and cross‑namespace capabilities of NGINX Ingress resources to support self‑service and multi‑tenancy for your users, with clear demarcation and delegation of application delivery component management across different teams.

Once the OpenShift cluster administrator installs the Operator, end users can deploy NGINX Ingress Controller with a simple manifest like the following:

apiVersion: NginxIngressController
  name: nginx-ingress-controller-foo
  namespace: nginx-ingress-controller-foo-ns
  type: deployment
    tag: edge
    pullPolicy: Always
  serviceType: NodePort

For more advanced users, the Operator exposes a wide range of options for customizing the deployment. For a sample manifest with all possible parameters, see our GitHub repo.

For step-by-step Operator installation instructions, see Getting Started with NGINX Ingress Operator on Red Hat OpenShift.

Support for TCP, UDP, and TLS Passthrough Services in NGINX Ingress Resources

New in the 1.7.0 release, we’ve extended NGINX Ingress resources to support TCP, UDP, and TLS Passthrough load balancing:

  • TCP and UDP support means that the Ingress Controller can manage a much wider range of protocols, from DNS and Syslog (UDP) to database and other TCP‑based applications
  • TLS Passthrough means NGINX Ingress Controller can route TLS‑encrypted connections based on the Service Name Indication (SNI) header, without decrypting them or requiring access to the TLS certificates or keys

In release 1.7.0, we are previewing two new NGINX Ingress resources for configuring TCP, UDP, and TLS Passthrough: GlobalConfiguration and TransportServer. As we develop the next release (1.8.0), we welcome feedback, criticism, and suggestions for improvement to this approach. Once we’re satisfied we have a solid configuration architecture, we’ll lock it down and regard it as stable and fully production‑ready.

This direct support for non‑HTTP protocols provides a simpler and more reliable option than our previous recommendation, which was to embed the NGINX stream configuration directly in a Kubernetes Ingress resource.

Let’s step through the new simplified and reliable way for supporting TCP and UDP services the NGINX Ingress Controller.

As the cluster administrator, you use the GlobalConfiguration resource to enable users to configure TCP and UDP load balancing of their applications through certain ports that you allocate. To define a resource for global configuration of the Ingress Controller, simply add the -global-configuration=namespace/name command‑line argument during installation.

Consider this sample GlobalConfiguration definition in the nginx-ingress namespace with two listeners:

  • TCP protocol listening on port 5353
  • UDP protocol listening on port 5353
apiVersion: GlobalConfiguration 
  name: nginx-configuration
  namespace: nginx-ingress
  - name: dns-udp
    port: 5353
    protocol: UDP
  - name: dns-tcp
    port: 5353
    protocol: TCP

Users must then reference the listeners by name (dns-udp or dns-tcp) in the TransportServer resource when configuring NGINX Ingress Controller for TCP and UDP load balancing. Here is a sample implementation of the TransportServer resource for provisioning TCP load balancing.

apiVersion: TransportServer
  name: dns-tcp
    name: dns-tcp 
    protocol: TCP
  - name: dns-app
    service: coredns
    port: 5353
    pass: dns-app

In the spec section, users reference the dns-tcp listener defined in the GlobalConfiguration resource definition, and pass TCP connections to the dns-app upstream. Note that only port 5353 is allocated to the dns-tcp listener. A TransportServer for UDP protocol can be configured similarly. See the complete TCP/UDP example on GitHub.

Users can additionally use the TransportServer resource for TLS Passthrough, routing TLS‑encrypted connections to upstream services. To enable TLS Passthrough, add the –enable-tls-passthrough command‑line argument during installation. Here is a sample implementation of the TransportServer resource with TLS Passthrough.

apiVersion: TransportServer
  name: secure-app
    name: tls-passthrough
    protocol: TLS_PASSTHROUGH
    - name: secure-app
      service: secure-app
      port: 8443
    pass: secure-app

Note that when enabling TLS Passthrough, we reference a built‑in listener with the name tls-passthrough and protocol TLS_PASSTHROUGH. See the complete TLS Passthrough example on GitHub.

Support for the Circuit Breaker Pattern

The NGINX Ingress Controller implementation of the circuit breaker pattern does two things:

  • Detects and isolates a failed service, removing it from the application (supported in release 1.6.0 and later)
  • Delivers a canned response to the client instead of routing requests to the failed service (new in release 1.7.0)

The use of a circuit breaker can improve the performance of an application by eliminating calls to a failed component that would otherwise time out or cause delays, and it can often mitigate the impact of a failed non‑essential component.

For example, an application might present a web or mobile interface that includes a list of ancillary items – comments on an article, recommendations, advertisements, and so on. If the Kubernetes service that generated this list fails, the circuit breaker can replace the internally generated error message (502 Service Unavailable) with a more appropriate response, such as an empty JSON list.

In this way, even if the service provided by the application degrades (ancillary items are not available), internal errors are gracefully handled in a way that conceals them from the calling client.

In the following example, the NGINX Ingress resource is managing traffic to the app-svc service. It uses an active health check (exclusive to NGINX Plus) to verify that the endpoints respond with an appropriate status code (2xx or 3xx by default) for requests for /status, and redirects requests that cause 502 error responses.

apiVersion: VirtualServer
  name: app
    secret: app-secret
  - name: app
    service: app-svc
    port: 80
      enable: true
      path: /status
  - path: /
    - codes: [502]
        code: 301
      pass: app

You can apply a VirtualServer definition to actively check on a periodic basis whether the app upstream is healthy. If the periodic health checks fails for all endpoints of the app-svc service, then the app upstream becomes unavailable (the circuit breaker is open), and clients making requests to the app upstream are redirected to a backup website (in this example

When testing this circuit breaker use case, consider the following scenarios and how NGINX responds:

  • A request to an endpoint results in a transient error. Depending on how you configure its retry‑request logic, NGINX either retries the request or gives up and redirects the request.
  • The health check fails against all endpoints in the service. NGINX identifies that all endpoints have failed and redirects the request to a specified URL.
  • The service has no endpoints (perhaps because they are not in a ready state). NGINX redirects the request promptly.

Improved Validation and Reporting

Release 1.7.0 of NGINX Ingress Controller improves the mechanism for validating NGINX Ingress resources. Based on the OpenAPI spec for the NGINX Ingress resources objects (VirtualServer, VirtualServerRoute, and TransportServer), kubectl and the Kubernetes API server can detect violations of the structure of a resource – for example, when an integer value is assigned to a string field. This shortens the feedback loop for such errors to be detected by users configuring load balancing for their applications.

Compared to previous releases, the validator catches errors earlier in the NGINX Ingress Controller configuration process, and provides more detailed error messages.

Following is the YAML file for a simple VirtualServer implementation of Layer 7 path‑based routing on NGINX Ingress Controller, connecting upstream Pods to clients. The fields highlighted in yellow are configuration errors.

apiVersion: VirtualServer
  name: cafe
    secret: cafe-secret
  - name: tea
    service: tea-svc
    port: DD
      enable: 3654
  - name: coffee
    service: coffee-svc
    port: 80
  - path: /tea
      pass: tea
  - path: /coffee
      pass: coffee

We run the following command to apply the YAML file:

# kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server.yaml

The validation mechanism catches the errors highlighted above and generates the following messages. Note that the messages are generated in reverse of the order in which the errors occur in the YAML file (the first message corresponds to the last error, the misspelled actionn).

error: error validating "cafe-virtual-server.yaml": error validating data: [ValidationError(VirtualServer.spec.routes[1]): unknown field "actionn" in org.nginx.k8s.v1.VirtualServer.spec.routes,

ValidationError(VirtualServer.spec.upstreams[0].healthCheck.enable): invalid type for org.nginx.k8s.v1.VirtualServer.spec.upstreams.healthCheck.enable: got "number", expected "boolean", 

ValidationError(VirtualServer.spec.upstreams[0].port): invalid type for org.nginx.k8s.v1.VirtualServer.spec.upstreams.port: got "string", expected "integer"]; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false


For the complete changelog for the 1.7.0 release, see the Release Notes.

To try NGINX Ingress Controller with NGINX Plus and NGINX App Protect, start your free 30-day trial today or contact us to discuss your use cases.

To try NGINX Ingress Controller with NGINX Open Source, you can obtain the release source code, or download a prebuilt container from DockerHub.

"This blog post may reference products that are no longer available and/or no longer supported. For the most current information about available F5 NGINX products and solutions, explore our NGINX product family. NGINX is now part of F5. All previous links will redirect to similar NGINX content on"