NGINX Tutorial: Improve Uptime and Resilience with a Canary Deployment 

Published March 23, 2022

This tutorial is one of four that put into practice concepts from Microservices March 2022: Kubernetes Networking:

Want detailed guidance on using NGINX for even more Kubernetes networking use cases? Download our free eBook, Managing Kubernetes Traffic with NGINX: A Practical Guide.

Your organization is successfully delivering apps in Kubernetes and now the team is ready to roll out version 2 of a backend service. But there are valid concerns about traffic interruptions (a.k.a. downtime) and the possibility that v2 might be unstable. As the Kubernetes engineer, you need to find a way to ensure v2 can be tested and rolled out with little to no impact on customers.

You decide to implement a gradual, controlled migration using the traffic‑splitting technique called canary deployment because it’s a safe and agile way to test the stability of a new feature or version. Your use case involves traffic moving between two Kubernetes services, so you choose to use F5 NGINX Service Mesh because it’s easy to deploy and delivers reliable results. You send 10% of your traffic to v2 with the remaining 90% still routed to v1. Stability looks good, so you gradually transition larger and larger percentages of traffic to v2 until you reach 100%. Problem solved!

Lab and Tutorial Overview

This blog accompanies the lab for Unit 4 of Microservices March 2022 – Advanced Kubernetes Deployment Strategies, demonstrating how to use NGINX Service Mesh for a canary deployment.

To run the tutorial, you need a machine with:

  • 2 CPUs or more
  • 2 GB of free memory
  • 20 GB of free disk space
  • Internet connection
  • Container or virtual machine manager, such as Docker, HyperKit, Hyper-V, KVM, Parallels, Podman, VirtualBox, or VMware Fusion/Workstation
  • minikube installed
  • Helm installed
  • A configuration that allows you to launch a browser window. If that isn’t possible, you need to figure out how to get to the relevant services via a browser.

To get the most out of the lab and tutorial, we recommend that before beginning you:

This tutorial uses these technologies:

The instructions for each challenge include the complete text of the YAML files used to configure the apps. You can also copy the text from our GitHub repo. A link to GitHub is provided along with the text of each YAML file.

This tutorial includes three challenges:

  1. Deploy a Cluster and NGINX Service Mesh
  2. Deploy the Frontend and Backend Apps
  3. Use NGINX Service Mesh to Implement a Canary Deployment

Challenge 1: Deploy a Cluster and NGINX Service Mesh

In this challenge, you deploy a minikube cluster and NGINX Service Mesh.

Create a Minikube Cluster

Deploy a minikube cluster. After a few seconds, a message confirms the deployment was successful.

$ minikube start \ --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-signing-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.key \ 
  --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/ \ 
  --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-issuer=kubernetes/serviceaccount \ 
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default 

Did you notice this minikube command looks different from the ones in other Microservices March tutorials? The additional --extra-config arguments enable the Kubernetes ServiceAccount token volume projection feature as required by NGINX Service Mesh.

With this feature enabled, the kubelet mounts a service account token into each pod, which uniquely identifies the pod in the cluster. The kubelet takes care of rotating the token at a regular interval.

To learn more, see Authentication between microservices using Kubernetes identities on the learnk8s blog.

Deploy NGINX Service Mesh

NGINX Service Mesh is developed and maintained by F5 NGINX. It includes a free version of the commercial NGINX Plus software as the sidecar.

There are two options for installation:

  • With the NGINX Service Mesh command‑line utility, nginx‑meshctl.
  • With Helm. This is the simpler and quicker method, so we use it in this tutorial.

Perform these steps:

  1. Download and install NGINX Service Mesh:

    $ helm install nms ./nginx-service-mesh --namespace nginx-mesh --create-namespace
  2. Confirm that the NGINX Service Mesh pods are deployed, as indicated by the value Running in the STATUS column.

    It might take a couple of minutes for all pods to deploy. In addition to the NGINX Service Mesh pods, there are pods for Grafana, Jaeger, NATS, Prometheus, and SPIRE. Check out the docs for information on how these tools work with NGINX Service Mesh.

    $ kubectl get pods --namespace nginx-mesh
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS 
    grafana-7c6c88b959-62r72              1/1     Running 
    jaeger-86b56bf686-gdjd8               1/1     Running 
    nats-server-6d7b6779fb-j8qbw          2/2     Running 
    nginx-mesh-api-7864df964-669s2        1/1     Running 
    nginx-mesh-metrics-559b6b7869-pr4pz   1/1     Running 
    prometheus-8d5fb5879-8xlnf            1/1     Running 
    spire-agent-9m95d                     1/1     Running 
    spire-server-0                        2/2     Running

Challenge 2: Deploy the Frontend and Backend Apps

In this challenge, you deploy two microservices apps:

  • backend-v1 – A business‑logic app that serves data to the frontend microservice via the Kubernetes API
  • frontend – A web app that exposes a UI to app users, deconstructs complex requests, and sends calls to numerous backend apps

After verifying that traffic is flowing and inspecting a dependency graph for the apps, you deploy the backend-v2 app.

Deploy the backend-v1 App

  1. Using the text editor of your choice, create a YAML file called 1-backend-v1.yaml with the following contents (or copy from GitHub).

    apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap 
      name: backend-v1 
      nginx.conf: |- 
        events {} 
        http { 
            server { 
                listen 80; 
                location / { 
                    return 200 '{"name":"backend","version":"1"}'; 
    apiVersion: apps/v1 
    kind: Deployment 
      name: backend-v1 
      replicas: 1 
          app: backend 
          version: "1" 
            app: backend 
            version: "1" 
            - name: backend-v1 
              image: "nginx" 
                - containerPort: 80 
                - mountPath: /etc/nginx 
                  name: nginx-config 
            - name: nginx-config 
                name: backend-v1 
    apiVersion: v1 
    kind: Service 
      name: backend-svc 
        app: backend 
        - port: 80 
          targetPort: 80 
        app: backend
  2. Deploy backend-v1:

    $ kubectl apply -f 1-backend-v1.yamlconfigmap/backend-v1 created 
    deployment.apps/backend-v1 created 
    service/backend-svc created 
  3. Confirm that the backend-v1 pods and services successfully deployed, as indicated by the value Running in the STATUS column.

    $ kubectl get pods,servicesNAME                              READY   STATUS 
    pod/backend-v1-745597b6f9-hvqht   2/2     Running 
    NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       PORT(S) 
    service/backend-svc   ClusterIP    80/TCP 
    service/kubernetes    ClusterIP        443/TCP 

You may be wondering why there are two pods running for backend-v1. It’s because NGINX Service Mesh injects a sidecar proxy container into each pod to intercept all incoming and outgoing traffic. The collected data is used for metrics, but you can also use the sidecar proxy to route traffic.

Deploy the frontend App

  1. Create a YAML file called 2-frontend.yaml with the following contents (or copy from GitHub). Notice the pod uses curl to issue a request to the backend service (backend-svc) once per second.

    apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment 
      name: frontend 
          app: frontend 
            app: frontend 
          - name: frontend 
            image: curlimages/curl:7.72.0 
            command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "--" ] 
            args: [ "sleep 10; while true; do curl -s http://backend-svc/; sleep 1 && echo ' '; done" ]
  2. Deploy frontend:

    $ kubectl apply -f 2-frontend.yamldeployment.apps/frontend created 
  3. Confirm that the frontend app deployed, as indicated by the value Running in the STATUS column. Note that like backend-v1, frontend has two pods running because it is also deployed in the NGINX Service Mesh environment.

    $ kubectl get podsNAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS 
    backend-v1-5cdbf9586-s47kx   2/2     Running   0 
    frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv     2/2     Running   0

Verify Traffic Is Flowing

Next, inspect the logs to verify that traffic is flowing from frontend to backend-v1. Run the following command. For the final parameter, specify the full pod ID for frontend as reported by the kubectl get pods command in Step 3 just above.

Hint: You’ll run this kubectl logs command repeatedly in this tutorial, so copy the command string to a temporary file from which you can paste it into the terminal.

Note that in each log entry the traffic is routed to version 1 of the backend, which is expected because backend-v1 is the only version of the backend service at this point.

$ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv

Inspect the Jaeger Dependency Graph

The NGINX Service Mesh sidecars deployed alongside the two apps are collecting metrics as the traffic flows. You can use this data to create a dependency graph of your architecture with Jaeger.

  1. Open the Jaeger dashboard in a browser.

    $ minikube service jaeger
  2. Click the  System Architecture  tab to display a dependency graph of the very simple architecture. For a magnified view, open the DAG subtab as shown (mouse over the graph to see the labels shown in the screenshot). Imagine a deployment where the frontend microservice is sending requests to dozens or even hundreds of backend services – this would be a very interesting graph!

Deploy the backend-v2 App

Now deploy a second backend app, backend-v2, which as the version number suggests is a new version of backend-v1.

  1. Create a YAML file called 3-backend-v2.yaml with the following contents (or copy from GitHub).

    Notice that because backend-v2 is another version of the backend app, you specify the same value – backend – in the field as for backend-v1 in Step 1 of Deploy the backend‑v1 App. As a result, traffic will be distributed evenly between the two versions.

    apiVersion: v1 
    kind: ConfigMap 
      name: backend-v2 
      nginx.conf: |- 
        events {} 
        http { 
            server { 
                listen 80; 
                location / { 
                    return 200 '{"name":"backend","version":"2"}'; 
    apiVersion: apps/v1 
    kind: Deployment 
      name: backend-v2 
      replicas: 1 
          app: backend 
          version: "2" 
            app: backend 
            version: "2" 
            - name: backend-v2 
              image: "nginx" 
                - containerPort: 80 
                - mountPath: /etc/nginx 
                  name: nginx-config 
            - name: nginx-config 
                name: backend-v2
  2. Deploy backend-v2:

    $ kubectl apply -f 3-backend-v2.yamlconfigmap/backend-v2 created 
    deployment.apps/backend-v2 created
  3. Confirm that the backend-v2 pod and services deployed, as indicated by the value Running in the STATUS column (not shown, but similar to the output shown in Step 3 of Deploy the backend‑v1 App.
  4. Examine the traffic distribution by examining the logs as in Verify Traffic Is Flowing. As expected, requests are now routed alternately to the two versions of the backend app.

    $ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv
  5. Return to the DAG tab on the Jaeger dashboard to see if both versions of the backend app appear in the dependency graph, indicating that NGINX Service Mesh has correctly mapped both versions.

    It can take a few minutes for Jaeger to recognize that backend-v2 was added. If you don’t want to wait, you can just continue to the next challenge and check back on the dependency graph a little later.

Challenge 3: Use NGINX Service Mesh to Implement a Canary Deployment

So far in this tutorial, you deployed two versions of the backend app: backend-v1 and backend-v2. Now that you know backend-v2 can handle traffic, you could immediately route all traffic to it, but it’s a best practice to test a new version’s stability before entrusting it with production traffic. A perfect technique for this use case is canary deployment.

In this challenge, you configure and implement a canary deployment that routes 10% of traffic to a new app version, then incrementally increase the proportion routed to the new version until it’s handling all traffic.

What Is a Canary Deployment?

As discussed in How to Improve Resilience in Kubernetes with Advanced Traffic Management on our blog, a canary deployment is a type of traffic split that provides a safe and agile way to test the stability of a new app feature or version. A typical canary deployment starts with a high share (say, 99%) of your users on the stable version and moves a tiny group (the other 1%) to the new version. If the new version fails, for example crashing or returning errors to clients, you can immediately move the test group back to the stable version. If it succeeds, you can switch users from the stable version to the new one, either all at once or (as is more common) in a gradual, controlled migration.

In this diagram an Ingress controller implements a canary deployment to split traffic between two Kubernetes services.

Topology diagram of canary deployment using an Ingress controller to split traffic

Canary Deployments Between Services in a Kubernetes Cluster

While you can use an Ingress controller to split north‑south traffic flowing from external clients to Kubernetes services in a cluster, you can’t use it to split east‑west traffic flowing within the cluster from one service (in this tutorial, frontend) to two versions of another service (backend-v1 and backend-v2). There are two options for implementing a canary deployment within a Kubernetes cluster:

Option 1: The Hard Way
Instruct a proxy on the frontend pod to send 9 out of 10 requests to backend-v1. But imagine if you have dozens of replicas of frontend. Do you really want to manually update all those proxies? No! That’s both error‑prone and time‑consuming.

Option 2: The Better Way
Use a service mesh to implement the traffic split. In addition to providing observability and control, a service mesh is also the ideal tool for implementing a traffic split between services because you can apply a single policy to all of the frontend replicas in the mesh!

Using NGINX Service Mesh for Traffic Splitting

NGINX Service Mesh implements the Service Mesh Interface (SMI), a specification that defines a standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes, including typed resources such as TrafficSplit, TrafficTarget, and HTTPRouteGroup. NGINX Service Mesh and the NGINX SMI extensions make it simple to deploy traffic‑splitting policies, including canary deployment, with minimal interruption to production traffic.

In this diagram from How Do I Choose? API Gateway vs. Ingress Controller vs. Service Mesh on our blog, NGINX Service Mesh implements a canary deployment between services with conditional routing based on HTTP criteria.

NGINX Service Mesh’s architecture – as for all meshes – has a data plane and a control plane. Because NGINX Service Mesh leverages NGINX Plus as the data plane, it’s able to perform advanced deployment scenarios.

  • Data plane – Made of up of a containerized NGINX Plus proxies called sidecars which are responsible for offloading functions required by all apps within the mesh as well as implementing traffic‑routing patterns like canary deployment.
  • Control plane – Manages the data plane. While the sidecars route application traffic and provide other data‑plane services, the control plane injects sidecars into pods and performs administrative tasks, such as renewing mTLS certificates and pushing them to the appropriate sidecars.

Configure the Canary Deployment

The NGINX Service Mesh control plane can be controlled with Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs). It uses the Kubernetes services to retrieve a list of pod IP addresses and ports. Then, it combines the instructions from the CRD and informs the sidecars to route traffic directly to the pods.

  1. Using the text editor of your choice, create a YAML file called 5-split.yaml that defines the traffic split using the TrafficSplit CRD (or copy from GitHub).

    apiVersion: kind: TrafficSplit 
      name: backend-ts 
      service: backend-svc 
      - service: backend-v1 
        weight: 90 
      - service: backend-v2 
        weight: 10 

    Notice there are three services defined in the CRD (and you have created only the first one so far):

    • backend-svc is the service that targets all pods.
    • backend-v1 is the service that selects pods from the backend-v1 deployment.
    • backend-v2 is the service that selects pods from the backend-v2 deployment.
  2. Before implementing the traffic split, create the missing services. Create a YAML file called 4-services.yaml with the following contents (or copy from GitHub).

    apiVersion: v1 kind: Service 
      name: backend-v1 
        app: backend 
        version: "1" 
        - port: 80 
          targetPort: 80 
        app: backend 
        version: "1" 
    apiVersion: v1 
    kind: Service 
      name: backend-v2 
        app: backend 
        version: "2" 
        - port: 80 
          targetPort: 80 
        app: backend 
        version: "2" 
  3. Start the services:

    $ kubectl apply -f 4-services.yamlservice/backend-v1 created 
    service/backend-v2 created

Implement the Canary Deployment

  1. Before implementing the canary deployment with the TrafficSplit CRD, verify in the logs that traffic is still being routed as in Challenge 2 – split evenly between backend-v1 and backend-v2.

    $ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv
  2. Apply the TrafficSplit CRD.

    $ kubectl apply -f created 
  3. Inspect the logs again. Now, 10% of traffic is being delivered to backend-v2.

    $ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv

Incrementally Increase Traffic to backend-v2

Now that you’ve seen backend-v2 can handle traffic, you might be tempted to route all traffic to it immediately. As mentioned, however, it’s considered best practice to shift traffic to the new app incrementally – say at 25%, 50%, and 100% – to check that it remains stable as the traffic load increases.

To illustrate how easy it is to change the traffic split with NGINX Service Mesh, this tutorial “takes a short cut” and routes first 80% and then 100% of traffic to backend-v2.

  1. Edit 5-split.yaml so that backend-v1 gets 20% of traffic and backend-v2 the other 80%.

    apiVersion: kind: TrafficSplit 
      name: backend-ts 
      service: backend-svc 
      - service: backend-v1 
        weight: 20 
      - service: backend-v2 
        weight: 80
  2. Apply the changes:

    $ kubectl apply -f configured
  3. Verify the 20/80 split in the logs:

    $ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv
  4. To complete the transition, edit 5-split.yaml again such that 100% of traffic is routed to backend-v2.

    apiVersion: kind: TrafficSplit 
      name: backend-ts 
      service: backend-svc 
      - service: backend-v1 
        weight: 0 
      - service: backend-v2 
        weight: 100
  5. Apply the changes:

    $ kubectl apply -f configured
  6. Inspect the logs to verify backend-v2 is getting all the traffic. The transition to the new version is complete!

    $ kubectl logs -c frontend frontend-6c64d7446-mmgpv

Next Steps

We hope you’re inspired to keep exploring the capabilities of NGINX Service Mesh. The tutorials in the NGINX Service Mesh docs are a good place to start.

NGINX Service Mesh is completely free. For download and installation instructions, see the Getting Started documentation.

"This blog post may reference products that are no longer available and/or no longer supported. For the most current information about available F5 NGINX products and solutions, explore our NGINX product family. NGINX is now part of F5. All previous links will redirect to similar NGINX content on"