Reading the NGINX Unit Changelog Together

Nick Shadrin, Sr. Product Manager at NGINX, Inc.

NGINX Unit is different from NGINX in terms of its architecture, use cases, and its place in the application stack, but it's very similar in its development culture. In his session at NGINX Conf 2018, Nick describes the new features and other changes introduced in NGINX Unit over the past year. He starts with general topics like how to receive announcements on the open source changes, the different code branches, and the version numbering scheme. He continues with a deep dive into features completed during the beta period:

  • Configuration persistence
  • timeout parameter for applications
  • HTTP keepalives
  • home parameter for Python virtual environments
  • Support for Python atexit handler
  • processes object with prefork and dynamic process management
  • Perl application module
  • Ruby application module

He concludes with a review of changes made after the GA release of version 1.0:

  • access_log parameter for basic access logging
  • environment object for setting environment variables
  • options object for managing php.ini configuration variables
  • Support for command-line arguments for Go executables
  • settings object for global configuration options
  • HTTP settings for request body size and timeouts

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