F5 NGINX Products and Packaging

F5 NGINX products are available exclusively on an annual enterprise subscription, which caters to advanced application networking and security requirements.


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Packaging options for NGINX products are crafted for flexibility and value, availing the right mix of components to optimize, scale, and secure your modern applications, in any environment.

NGINX One is a versatile suite that merges performance, scalability, and security, ideal for modern web ecosystems.

NGINX App Protect (also available as part of NGINX One) fortifies your applications from threats with dynamic security measures. NGINX as a Service for Azure ensures a harmonious union with Microsoft Azure for a streamlined cloud-native, SaaS offering.

F5's expert account managers and partners can help you determine the best options for your organization.


  NGINX One Per Instance NGINX One for Kubernetes
Pricing Model Flexible Consumption Program Bundle Components billed on a per instance basis Flexible Consumption Program Bundle Components billed on a per node basis
Included Licenses
  • NGINX Console on F5 Distributed Cloud (connected)
  • NGINX Instance Manager (disconnected)
  • NGINX Ingress Controller
  • NGINX Gateway Fabric
  • NGINX Plus or NGINX Open Source
  • NGINX App Protect*
  • NGINX Console on F5 Distributed Cloud (connected)
  • NGINX Instance Manager (disconnected)
  • NGINX Ingress Controller
  • NGINX Gateway Fabric
  • NGINX App Protect*
Support Standard or Premium Support options Standard or Premium Support options

*NGINX App Protect is available in the NGINX One Premium Tier

NGINX App Protect

  NGINX App Protect Standalone
Pricing Model Standalone per instance
Included Licenses NGINX App Protect WAF (Plus or Supported OSS), and/or NGINX App Protect DoS
Support Premium Support

NGINX as a Service for Azure

  Azure Marketplace pay-as-you-go
Pricing Model Per NGINX Consumption Unit per hour
Fully supported

With NGINXaaS for Azure, all operational toil is handled for you. This cloud native service brings you all capabilities of NGINX Plus in an ‘as-a-service’ format.

Fully integrated into native cloud interfaces and services.

Included Licenses
  • Everything included
  • NGINX App Protect WAF add-on available
Support Options Premium Support

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