What Is a “Real-Time API”?

A real-time application program interface (API) is one that can process an API call end-to-end in less than 30 milliseconds (ms). In reference to real-time API infrastructure, it is the technology to route, authenticate, secure, shape, and cache APIs in less than 30 ms.

In the real world, a real-time API is key to a satisfactory digital experience for users as they place an order on Amazon, request directions in Google Maps, get chat support, or use any other mobile app where near-instant responses are expected. With the advent of IoT, there is a growing hunger for faster and faster connections to support the flow of information that keeps everything connected and up-to-date.

>>>Learn more about real-time APIs

The 5 Processes of API Infrastructure

  1. Route APIs
  2. Authenticate APIs
  3. Secure APIs
  4. Shape APIs
  5. Cache APIs