NGINX on Google Cloud

NGINX and Google Cloud partner to bring the power & control needed to deliver content & services at the high standard users & developers demand.

High-Performance, High-Availability App Delivery

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Hybrid-Cloud Application Delivery diagram

Hybrid-Cloud Application Delivery

Deliver Apps Faster

NGINX Plus operates stand‑alone or can integrate with GCP services – such as existing load balancing solutions – to reduce your application delivery and management costs. NGINX Plus provides enterprise‑grade features such as session persistence, configuration via API, and active health checks so that you can add advanced application load balancing, monitoring, and management to your GCP application stack. Use Packer, Terraform, and NGINX Plus to implement high‑availability, all‑active, autoscaling solutions on Google Compute Engine (GCP).

Secure Your Apps

Use the same WAF across all your environments – from on‑premises to cloud to Kubernetes – with NGINX App Protect, our modern app‑security solution built on F5’s market‑leading security expertise. Our security-as-code design philosophy makes it easy to integrate security into your agile and DevOps workflows. It easily integrates with NGINX Plus and NGINX Ingress Controller to protect your apps from a range of threats including OWASP Top 10 and beyond.

Read the blog ›

Buy on GCP Marketplace

NGINX Plus with NGINX App Protect (for high‑volume production needs)

NGINX Plus Premium [Enterprise] Edition (for high‑volume production needs)

NGINX Plus Standard [Basic] Edition (for low‑volume production needs)

NGINX Plus Developer Edition (for dev testing, non‑production needs)

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